Our Philosophy
- Who We Are
- Our Vision
- Our Philosophy
- Our Infrastructure
- Classes & Courses
- Admission Rules
- Mandatory Disclosure

Our Philosophy
1. We believe in the dignity and the worth of each student and recognize the importance of their responsibilities to fellow-men in the world community.
2. Youth should have equal opportunities for education consistent with their individual capabilities and with their personal and social needs.
3. Education should be encouraged in the students to develop personal values and thinking process which will facilitate their intelligent adaptability to the changing society.
4. Each student must develop
(i) A mastery of the skill of communication and learning.
(ii) The ability to think clearly, logically and independently.
(iii) Understanding and appreciation of Cultural, Scientific Economics, Political, ideas and practices.
(iv) Good health and physical fitness enabling the students to live an energetic, wholesome and productive life.
(v) Appreciate ethical and cultural values.